ID: 00042
Name: Sadie
Sex: Female
Breed: --Select-- / --Select--
Age: 10-14 Yrs
Weight: 10 Lbs
Good w/Dogs: Yes
Good w/Cats: Yes
Good w/Children: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Requested Donation: $250
Status: Lhasa Apso Mix

Click on Sadie's picture to see more of her!
Click here to display Sadie's intake record
UPDATE 7/27/2004: It is with deep regret that we must report that Sadie has passed on to the rainbow bridge. She was about 14 yrs old and suffered a severe heart attack yesterday... she will live in our hearts forever!
Original Post: Sadie is a senior dog with alot of heart! She is much older than any dog that we have ever placed at BPSBR, but she is one of the sweetest! Sadie will need a special person to adopt her. This person will need to be patient and understanding. Sadie suffers some dementia which is common in elderly dogs. What this means is that she is not always cognizent of her surroundings and may wake up and not know exactly where she is. The longer she is in an environment, the more accustomed to it she will become, but in the beginning she may try someone's patience very easily. Her adopter should be someone with a big heart that is around 90 percent of the time and can spend as much time with this old girl as possible while she still has some spunk in her. Sadie is very hard of hearing and has some vision loss as wel. She has no trouble getting around at all and just needs that special someone who will give her a chance to live out her remaining years with the abundance of love and affection that she very possibly never had in her life.
Sadie has been ADOPTED!