Volunteer Application

Please enter your application below.

Applicant Data
Full name :
Address :
City :
State :
Zip :
Closest Rural City :
Email :
Home Phone :
Work Phone :
Cell Phone :
Fax Phone :
Age :
Residence Own/Rent :
Residence Type :
If you rent, please provide landlord contact information :
Fenced yard :
Living area size :

For what tasks do you want to volunteer for?
Fostering :
Transport :
Home visits :
Contact Applicants :
Fundraising :
Buffalo Adoption Center :
Rochester Adoption Center :

Vet and References
Reference Name(1) :
Reference Relationship(1) :
Reference Phone(1) :
Reference Email(1) :
Reference Name(2) :
Reference Relationship(2) :
Reference Phone(2) :
Reference Email(2) :
Vet Reference :

Tell us about your current pets
Do you own any dogs :
Please provide breed, sex{es}, age{s} and name{s} of your dogs :
Do you currently own any other pets :
Please provide species, sex{es}, age{s} and name{s} of your pets (if appropriate) :
Do you support spaying and neutering of pets :
Are your pets spayed/neutered :
If your pets are not spayed/neutered please explain why they are not :
Have you ever bred your pets :
If you have bred your pets please tell us when and why :
Do you plan to breed your pets in the future :
Are your pets up to date on shots and heartworm prevention :
Have you owned animals in the past not listed above :
  If yes, what became of them
Ran away :
Stolen :
Sold :
Lost :
Given away :
Surrendered :
Euthanized :
Died :
Other :
Please state the reasons behind your above choice :
Please check to indicate that you are aware that you must keep BP&SBR up-to-date in the event the number or status of your household pets should change :

Tell us why you choose to foster a dog :
Have you previously fostered for any shelter or rescue organization :
If yes, what shelter or rescue group and the particulars :
Are you willing to permit a home check by a BP&SBR representative :
Long range plans within the next year as it relates to fostering :
If there is not a fenced yard, will you provide leashed walks :
How do you plan to housebreak the dog if it's not already housebroken :
Are there any children in your household :
Number of children :
Ages of children :
Please list the names and ages of all co-habitants or others who frequently share your premises and/or fenced yard :
Are all members of your household aware that you will be fostering :
Do they all approve :
How many hours a day will the dog be left alone :
Where will the dog be kept when alone? (please be specific i.e. crate, room, run of house etc.) :
Where will the dog be kept during the day :
Where will the dog be kept during the night :
Where will the dog be kept when the family is home :
If there is any aspect of your home that a puppy could affect? (white carpet, antiques etc.) please identify :
What is the level of activity in your household :
Are you away for extended periods :
What will you do with dog when you go away :
What responsibility will your children have :
How much adult supervision will be provided when the dog and child are together :
If there are no children in your household, how often will the dog come into contact with children :
How many interactions will the animal have with visitors :
Tell us the type of dog you would prefer to foster :
What kind of food do you plan to feed your dog and what is your feeding plan :
Are you willing to foster an animal that has special needs? (health, diet, training, other) :
If yes, any health problems not accepted :
Are you willing to groom a dog :
Are you willing to take a dog to obedience training or help with behavior modification :
How would you encourage or reinforce the foster dog's appropriate good behavior? :
Are you prepared to keep the foster dog for an indefinite period of time until the dog can be placed into an approved home :
Are you willing to abide by the rules of BP&SBR, in that no medical care shall be done without prior written approval from the BP&SBR Committee with the exception of emergency care? Do you understand that you must notify the Committee at the first available opportunity after emergency care and all original receipts must be submitted to the treasurer before being reimbursed
Do you accept the rules above :
Do you understand that upon taking a foster dog that the dog in your care will be up for adoption and when an appropriate home is found the dog will be transported to its new home and further that while the fosterer's opinion of the dog is given serious consideration, when placing the dog in a permanent home, the final decision regarding the placement of the dog will remain solely in the decision of the Committee. Should you decide that you want to adopt the dog while it is in your care, you are required to submit an Adoption Application and, after approval, complete an Adoption Contract and make the appropriate donation. If you find that a specific foster does not work for you in your home, you are to notify BP&SBR immediately.
Do you accept the rules above :

What is the nearest airport :
What is the nearest large city :
What type of vehicle do you have :
Do you have crates available :

Please indicate that you are now aware that your application must be approved before are enlisted as a BP&SBR volunteer and/or foster
Do you accept this term :
Do you work with another rescue that can provide a reference, if so provide information here :
Once you have filled out and returned this Volunteer Application, a BP&SBR volunteer will contact you regarding the status of your application. If approved, a copy of the BP&SBR Code of Ethics for Fostering & Rescue Volunteers will be sent to you for your signature. Please indicate whether you have read the entire application and understand it's meaning and agree to it's terms by clicking the button below.

Neither this Application nor any other document, undertaking or agreement to be delivered by the undersigned furnished to BP&SBR in connection with this Application contains or will contain any untrue statement of fact or omits or will omit to contain a fact necessary to make any statement not misleading. There has been no event or information not disclosed in writing to BP&SBR which could reasonably be expected to have an adverse effect on the health, comfort, safety or well-being of the subject dog.

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that all statements made herein make full disclosure and are true. Should there be any change in the circumstances as stated above, I undertake to notify BP&SBR as soon as possible.
Do you agree to the above terms :

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